Friday, April 29, 2011


have a nice day <3

Nekkid Face



happy happy birthday papa-dukes*

 happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday dear daddy,
happy birthday to you!

happy birthday to the reason why i am here today-
the one man who has been in my life for 25 yrs+

we fight, we argue-
but at the end of the day-
i will always be your daughter ( a piece of you)
and you will always be my daddy-
which means, i will ALWAYS ALWAYS love you
no matter what

these pics were taken last year... we went out for breakfast the day of his bday, and 2 days later- we threw cake at each other's face (can you believe he threw cake at me first?!?! lol #thatsmydad )

happy 49th daddy! i wish you many, many more to come!

...yeh- you can go ahead & fill in the blanks


Thursday, April 28, 2011


overwhelming and mind-blowing.
& i just want it all.

.i am.

I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart.
  I am.
  I am.
I am.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sunday, April 24, 2011

tiffanyblue-jamacians & delish-ous-ness

i swear, we are always late, and when i mean always,

i mean ALWAYS
(never fails- nope, uh uh) lol

oh yea, she was registered ! (job made ez- t.y)

oh shit- we lost the paper ...
sucked in, and lost forever O.o

jamacian food=
yum #nomnomnom

Our EASTER blessing, Riley***

welcome to this world baby boy, i love you!

6lbs 13ounces.

auntie can't wait to meet you tomorrow <3

Friday, April 22, 2011


Newest addition to my port, more coming soon, check out/like my fan page #prettyplease

click here to view, then hit the like button ^_^


the ONLY* thing abt having a puppy... he can nvr sit still

i tell'um to smile, and he's too busy tryna lick my face... (not a fan of puppy kisses O.o) 

needless to say; i love him none-the-less <3

S A M P L E S and new discoveries

oh man. i love samples!!! but only if they're things that i really wanna try, i hate when ppl wanna give you something to 'test out' and it's tossed to the side bc you have no use or desire ... soooo, i just received 4 new samples, and i've been using them religiously for the past few far I LOVE them... thinking when i run out, time to invest in some new products.


REDbox/hair - time to color it back... or should i keep it allll natural?

Made me blush***

'you're much prettier in person.'
(said by a hott chick^^)

Monday, April 18, 2011


...this Jamaican guy comes in with the only accent, and i swear he had multiple personality disorder (he must have) - 

Jamaican- yuh get wun man?
Me- excuse me?
Jamaican- meh looking fuh wun shirt
Me- what color and size?
Jamaican- leh we go out?
Me- huh?
Jamaican- black shirt
Me- what size?
Jamaican- yuh hungry?
Me- ? uh, sowwie, i have a boyfriend
Jamaican- small
Me- ...uhmmm, we only have medium
Jamaican- yuh nah eat?
Me- i ate already
Jamaican- shirt too big, i need a small
Me- we can order it
Jamaican- so yuh guh go out with meh?
Me- no thank you

Check the side pockets

did anyone see my shades? O.o

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Made me ^_^

nvr stay with someone who brings the worst outta you (it's never that serious- #trustme)

it's time to find better.
-sincerely, me <3

- G O O N S / C.


Teeth & dimple(s)
i only have 1/2 -.-


Hair & hats, and DREDS #ohyeahsuh'

he doesn't like my hair up, and i can't say i disagree.
(but tomorrow, i'll have no choice... #lazy)

I T S #yup