Wednesday, November 16, 2011


is the one i wake up to every am*

thanks for my am* smile babes

in need of some new frames...

 it's a love/hate relationship with my contacts... so glasses is my planB...perhaps in 2 weeks... 

hate the rumours/hate the bullshit/hate these fucking allegations...

moral: before you start 'assuming', make sure you're assumptions are valid.

in case you m.u.s.t know where my inspiration came from...
you were deff not the first, and you will certainly not be the last...
hate to burst your bubble sweetie ;) 

'ideas are easy. implementation is hard.'

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


after months, and months of patiently waiting, he finally made my watermark!

dear * - please stop stealing my pics... seriously.
and to whom this may concern: (see post back in july/sooner ^) 

*happy birthday to the man who makes me melt*

Wednesday, November 2, 2011