Sunday, August 29, 2010

because i don't want him mad at me....

so it's about 1AM...and i rly haven'teaten all day...the last time, which was also the first time was around noon, when i got to work...i had 1/2 bagel with cc &1/2 glazed donut...
to be honest with'cha...i just wasn't and still isn't hungry...
butttt....i decided to go downstairs and cut up some cucumber and sprinkle it lightly with salt (yummmm<<<)
REASON WHY: i didn't want the boyfriend to get mad at me
so my LOVE...i'm eating something yummy & delicious ~_^


yuh just nevah rly know when it's gonna come...


well sometimes yuh do ~_^


but not ALL the time


one thing i absolutely <3 about the's always beautiful....(well most of the time ^_^)

yup yup^^

Best part of my day....

is spent with him <3

nom nom nom <3

Friday, August 27, 2010


i waited FOREVER (or at least it felt like it) to see you!!!
3/5 of the kitties....
to this day, i still cannot believe that cats can have c-sections...and jeez, are they pricey!
they are super itty-bitty, and just soooo cute ~_^

<<< my favorite one...s/he (don't knw if it's a boy or a girl) lets you pick them up....
(but s/he cried a lil :O)

Look how liddleeeeeee :P

feeding time....


yup yup^^


word of advice to all...when in a relationship...please rmr one thing....TRUST is a huge key in making it work...without it, you have NOTHING
i had so many encounters in the past, that it was just ridiculous...i had guys not believe me & accuse me of cheating while i was hanging out with their friends...and i soon after found out who their source ex!
i always wondered...why would you believe and ex over a's not like she told them i was with one of his friends, it was with another guy...i mean...seriously now.... (this was a trending topic of my night...clearly if your guy/girl is still keeping very close contact with an's not a good's worse when they believe and ex over you WTF?'ve got to be kidding???)

JEALOUSLY is so ugly, i cannot even begin to tell you...
& it's so self-explanatory, i won't even go into detail... -.-

HATERS/STALKERS fall under the same category...the people who hate you, rly LOVE you, and STALK you out because their just JEALOUS...
back to is just a dissatisfaction with oneself

just some food for thought

It's time....

to get back on track, & stay focused!!!
it's time to get out there & make my dreams a reality....
no more time for bullshit, 
no more time to waste...
yup yup^^

Thursday, August 26, 2010


after almost 3 months of patience and yuh go guys and dolls <3 br="">music video i was featured in along with a few of my girls....

'So Dope'
Not Them are such great guys, we had a blast making this video...long worth it!
<3 br="">


so i'm actually on the phone with one of my girls....mimi...she's now planning her 21st bash, and giving me the rundown, and full blown details....
as we're having this convo, and she knows exactly how i feel about 'birthday girls wearing birthday tiara's'...
i think it's so effin' rly effin tacky...
i had to tell my bestie not too, because i would crack on she was gonna get her hair done and all...she's beautiful, she doesn't need a piece of fake 'glitter' sitting on top of her head!
_____now....i'm sitting on my bed, blogging here, and tryna convince her not too...she knows that i'm clearly gonna make fun of her the whole night...but in her eyes, she claims it's 'ookie' because she's gonna be lit :P top of the cake...she's telling me she's NOW gonna wear a SASH...WTF? seriously...a SASH!!!! who wears a SASH (smh-in disbelief)
but on the + side....we're getting cupcakes <3  ~_^

mimi is telling me if i'm good, i can wear the tiara....listen..i don't effin wanna wear the tiara....
she's so lucky i love her <3...but i'm still gonna make fun of long as she knows...

yup yup^^
p.s: tiara's are effin stupid!!!
p.p.s: sash's are worthless!!!

now yuh all know how i feel about this trending topic....

random picture in my inbox

Gotta <3 sleep-overs with the cuzzos

<<<3 her to bit and pieces!!!!

we had no bottle idk what we were tryna do with the knife...
they sent me down the street to borrow one from my other cuzzin (who bailed out on us >:O) 

i finished their's too

gotta <3 my family and all the nonsense we munch on...
got my pickles, 
got my chips, 
got my salsa, 
got my cheese, 
got my wine

didn't need anything else at this point!

yup yup^^

Men enjoyed being pampered as much as Women do ^_^

one thing that i absolutely love, love, love about that we have awesome effin' guys in our class...

they enjoy a good shampoo/conditioning/hair treatment...
+ have no problem what-so-ever sitting under the dryer

they even enjoy manicures/hand massages

NOW they can't complain when you go to the salon...


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I LOVE going to class

well, what can i say....
i rly do <3 going to class....
i have great friends, 
a great professor
& i'm doing something that i absolutely love and wanna do

<<< my real lashes!!!


oh yeh!
oh yeh!
oh yehhhhh!

(decided to put a lil makeup on today ~_^)

yup yup^^

Eff this FL weather!


I mean, I know it's 'hurricane' season...but everyday >:O

***the funny part the back of the school, it was super sunny!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

and i said.....

___and i'm not even gonna lie...i'm prolly most likely..definitely, positively sure that i'm gonna be needy this week...

~and he's ookie with giving me all his attention....
i rly don't know what i would do without him...he loves me and still appreciates me at my worst, and never complains....not once
he will hug me, and love me, and cuddle with me, and kiss me...and just be there for me...
he wants me there 24/7...and i'm VERY ookie with that...i wouldn't have it any other way
nom nom nom <3
i guess this is what it feels like to be in love <3 

N E H A 's 25th in N Y C ! ! !


this was my very FIRST time in MIAMI, and me and the bestie's FIRST vacay together (after 12 years....going on 13 ^_^)

i love sade!!! she's just awesome.... no more words can describe her...
i guess she just fits in...she's just as loud, crazy & nuts as i am....
neha is the 'sane' one....but that's why we love her soooo very much <3

me & the bestie...
<3 <3 <3
 ahhh i love my chick!!!


_____our feet....

+they wouldn't let us take off our shoes...
Thank God, we cabbed it back 

rdy to hit the club with my ladii's
(i did neha's m/u)
oh yehhhh, oh yehhhhhhh....


L A T E -post

these pics are from earlier this bestie came down b/c she found a super-dee duper cheap flight
gotta <3 jetblue (except when your flight is delayed for pure nonsense)

anyways, i picked her up from the airport in rollers...she had the 'only' smile on her face, and said, 'only you would!'
-damn right <3

heading to downtown disney

it was super sunny & super hott....


Not in my case!

this girl was saying how, 'time apart makes the heart grow fonder...!'
i looked at her with the craziest look EVARRRRR and replied, 'not when you have a guy like mine....i always want to see him, and when i'm apart from him________well, it's almost un-bearable!'

that, my how you rly know that you truly LOVE someone

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

He makes my tummy HAPPY!!!

My day started super dee-duper EARLY........+ I was working on only a few gours of sleep :O .....

It was a 'coffee AM'...and I had the only craving for starbucks ^_^...........................

He told me he would buy me STARBUCKS...(ahhhh, music to my ears ^_^)
<<<--- This looked all kinds of yummy....
his response..."that's old baby"

<<<---decided I was gonna stick to my norm....
(Tall, iced white chocolate mocha, soy...hold the whip)
not a fan of whip in my cup

he's such a good man...he always drives & never complains

later that day...after we woke up from our nap...~_^
we had a few things on our 'to-do list'...
he took me to the outlets to look for my 'dis-continued' lip gloss, which we didn't find, but i did end up getting 2 large m/u bags  ^_^
and then we went to target <3
after that i still haven't made up my mind on what i was inda mood for (food-wise)...he decided for me, like usual...

<<<---CHIPOTLE it was...we decided to share the tacos, add just add 1 additional...2 soft, 2 hard....and i was a good girl, no extra cheese for me....just my hot sauce and a smile ^_^


Saturday, August 21, 2010

LOOK what a thought can DO ^_^

They always say you should count your blessings if you're lucky enough to have one true friend in your life....
A person who you can count on, someone who will never let you down, someone you can cry to at 4AM inda AM, someone who knows you better than yourself....
someone who isn't afraid to be honest, and more importantly, someone who you can trust....

I've been lucky enough to have Neha in my life for 13 years (Sept 5 is our anniversary)
She has been more than a friend, more like a sister...and has been there since DAY 1...

She was suppose to come down for my 25th, but things unfortunately didn't go according to she decided she was going to send my a birffday gift...her words were exactly, 'you're going to kill me-but you're going to LOVE me!'.....when she says things like this...i fear a lil, but i'm more excited than anything else.....

The present was suppose to arrive 1-2 days prior of my actually birthday....

The day of my birthday, I was heading over to the boyfriends house to spend the day with him...something told me to check the mailbox....


25 birthday cards...+1 HUGE envelope!!!

here are only a few of the cards that she sent...way too many pictures to post up....
it was the sweetest thing  ever...i opened every-single card the same way...with the most anticipation and excitement every-single time

it's the little things in life that matter the's all about thought, and being sincere...not about how much money you spend on something....i will treasure her cards the same way that i treasure our friendship.....