Thursday, January 14, 2010

it's crystal effin' clear

Gave you chances on top of chances
Opportunities taken for granted
My reality is all your infidelities
Cause insanity
Why you askin' me?
Took my kindnes for a sign of weakness
My own blindness cause my sadness
No longer am I a slave over your madness
I am glad it's finally over

Who do you think you are now?

I can't believe you've got the nerve, boy
*did you hear me ? - i saiddddd, 'i am GLAD it's finally O V E R !!!' 

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

the emotional moon is capricorn and your house of love affairs, leo.  it's urging you to pay attention to everyone and anyone sending you unmistakably romantic vibes.  if you're interested, you'd better pay attention, too - big time - because this could be 'it.'  DON'T WASTE IT!

not too big on horoscopes, but this sounds a bit promising; esp. since i'm over, and been over this douche bag***

these ladies

my lil muchkins

Oh how i miss being your nanny....