Wednesday, December 29, 2010

You got me -

Baby I, I
wanna be the girl that gives you everything
My whole heart, every piece, every part of me
And I'm gon' do my best
to make sure that you never leave
And boy, you do your best
cause you're the reason that I breathe
And sometimes we gon' fight
but at the end of the night I humble myself
baby, we're alright
Make sure that we're tight
Your love is my muse
No more will I have to choose
You're my number one, there's no number two

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2-do-List 4-2morrow

-wake up early & p/u the boyfriend (but he'll drive)
-mission to find a jacket & some gloves (i guess i should start looking for my scarf...)
-head to the beauty store ^_^
-buy some soup for lunch (long shift 2morrow)
-hang out with monkey (mmmmm...drinks ~_^ )
-talk & pass out on the phone


This relationship will prolly be the death of us...

Monday, December 27, 2010

7 minutes later...

after 'nap-time' he said we needed to head out for a p/s...but it was a 'bumming/lazing day for me'...(we all know that i REFUSE to leave the house looking a 'hot mess!') sooo, i just needed a few minutes to tie the hair & put a lil blk eyeliner on...i rushed & messed up my eyeliner, so i added a lil blk eyeshadow to cover it up


not too bad, not too great either
but you know what?
it works!
so that my friend is how you do it!

(ugh...i think my hair is sticking up too o.O -oh well lol)

Getting things done.

 what a day.
but things got done (so that's a +)
i had a AM craving for coffee..but when we got there...i saw hot choco, and well, yeh...i quickly changed my mind ^_^
the only stayed too hot to drink for too long, and i was getting quite anxious -.-

oh-em-gee..and i cannot wait for my new privacy screen protector to come inda mail already...this shit is making my iphone look hideous o.O

i can't wait to put my new sticker on my car (super excited.)

so happy that we decided to bring the compu's, because the waiting time was a lil too long for my liking
(if you've read any of my previous posts, or know me personally, you would know that i have lil to no patience at all...that is MY downfall -.- )

overall...mission 1 of the day_____ completed ^_^


how you choose to spend your 'break-time' is clearly all up to YOU.
however....he made his own lil bed and all....with a mini bubble-wrap blankie and all
the stupid flash however, caught me (so much for being discrete!)

I miss you

Neha <3 & Snow

i toldddd you she was gonna send pics from the first day of Snow!
Day after Christmas....
I know she's 'over-it' (snow, that is)
but i sure miss the beauty of it
(not the cleaning)

Thanks doll <3

Foggy Nights-Crazy

Thanks Zacarias!!!

Lazy Fattie 'look'

Follow these 3 steps


you have NOW officially mushed someone successfully!
(lesson of the day!)

Sunday, December 26, 2010


What I need to invest in:

A jacket
Long sleeve shirts
Winter shoes's starting to feel like
December .


It's the day after Christmas, & i decided to still be in the spirit
check out my
'present earrings'
super cute

Saturday, December 25, 2010


presents are always nice to receive
but presents that come from within mean so much more

'baby,what do you want for christmas?'
'you're not making this any easier-'
'you're my present-all year round'

he really is.
so rmr that m/u palette that i was craving...well he searched everywhere & called everywhere for it
it's currently n/a
the thought & effort alone meant the world
but the picture was the sweetest, most thoughtful, yet simple gift that i will cherish
(it's nice to know that they're guys out there that actually #listen, pay attention & understand the woman they're with)
he knows i'm always in 'camera-effin'-happy' mode 24/7
the hoodie was just xtra (un-necessary, but very much appreciated)

It's beginning to look a lot like


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Class of Twenty-10

I will rly miss you all...good luck in your career and future...the past year has been 'interesting' in the best way possible...and to my ladies, can't wait to hang out again


nina's god daughter, bella....
absolutely gorgeous lil girl (her pictures don't do her justice!)
she melted everyone's heart on the clinic floor


yeh, i know...he's super cute!


uh...need i say MOAR?
didn't think so.....

yup yup^^


that POLO fuh work....thinking bout trying a '5 hour energy' shot....hmmmphz, anyone try them before?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


+ wasabi peas (yummmmm...) these little green guys clear up your sinus'(without a doubt) and i think they're quite de-lish!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lloyd - Lay It Down

Thanks to my job for getting this song suck in my head for the past week...

But tonight girl Imma show you how much I love you, let the party begin
Imma do something I never did to you girl
Imma turn you out...



Get YO moisturize-on!

and if you don't_______________she'll find you and come after you! lol 2/3 guys allowed her...the last...#failed lol
(one of the many things i'm going to miss about waking up early and heading to school ~_~ )

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


My boyfriend is awesome, because...well, he just is...
secondly...he lets me play video games with him...and doesn't get mad when i 'die'
and the list just goes on, and on, and on.....

yup yup^^

Class of Twenty-TEN

I absolutely love all these ppl here...after all we went through in the past's gonna be so hard to say 'goodbye'...thank God for technology (i plan on keeping in touch with them)
This is our 'graduating lunch'...after next week, we are FINISHED....we had a lot of great teachers,which we are so thankful for

It's funny...when you go to know that you'll meet new faces, and that i did...i met a lot of great ppl thanks to this school....and we've all taught one another..and grown together
(and in all's honesty...i am surprised...i'm surprised how close we have all become &i'm dreading next wednesday ~_~ )