Thursday, January 27, 2011


Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose. 

they always say, the good die young...i couldn't agree anymore.
you were our angel-
thoughtful, caring, sincere, considerate, and everything in between...
that night when this all went down, i was so mad at you, only because i thought you forgot to call me 1/2way of reaching home....i waited, and waited, and didn't call you because the weather was so bad...
that night i had the worst nightmare...
in my dreams, i saw you crash, and woke up to the look on my dad's face, and all i said is...
'mark?' ( i knew ) ~_~
-i went about my day...i wore my gray sweats along with the tee you bought me and headed off to school...after
i rmr that day like it was yesterday snowed all day...outside was beautiful- but i was just numb 
numb & quiet.
i was numb for a few months... knew it was your time...when we all begged you to stay, you kept saying, 'i have no other choice- i need to go home-'
7 years ago you left this Earth, you left everyone who loves and cares about you...just know that you will always live in our hearts, and never be forgotten

i LOVE you MARK!!! 
We do not remember days; we remember moments. ~Cesare Pavese

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