Saturday, January 29, 2011

Change in luck? Possibly?

So lemme just tell you how I got the best email ever!!! All I can say is that I'm finally going to get my m/u brushes that I've wanted for so long! They sent me an email stating how after all the trouble and disappointment I went through- they will still honor the deal! (+ free shipping)
Oh how I can't wait to get to the compu (I'm typing outta excitement on my iPhone) and place my order!

Makeup is going to be much more fun to apply now!
<3- and you know what that means.... More PICTURES!!!

And we all know that I finally got my makeup palette that I've been craving for MONTHS (thank you to my amazing boyfriend- you are such a blessing)-
I also did promise that I would let you guys know how the palette worked....
#listen: I love it! I rly, honestly goes on so nicely, smooth, and you don't need much product (little in fact does go a long way here) - you will notice that most colors are in fact neutral, but those 3 darker shades works amazing!
PERFECT daily wear!
I'm actually kinda scared to use it a might finish and he went through so much waiting and trouble to get it for me, I can't imagine going through/or putting him through this again.
***Looks like my 'luck' of never getting what I want or need is starting to change!***

yup yup^^

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