the sniffling and dry throat all started around 1AM :(
i was waiting for my love to call me, letting me know he got in safe:)
all i did was inform him that i thought i was getting a lil cold, right away he offered to bring me some meds.... :) i couldn't let him come out so far, so late....even though he clearly didn't care....
inda AM~still not feeling well, my head-pounding, throat-itching , nose-leaking...ewwh
i called him, and asked if he could pick me up....without anything, so much a hesitation, he said,"yuh want me to come now?"....i wanted him to catch some zzz's, but as soon as i did call~~~15 minutes later, he's at my school <3 (awwee....i <3 this man!)
we get back to his place, and his family was so concerned, asking how i was feeling...they are all wonderful people...
sleep is never better when i'm in his arms <3
before i left he picked me up some medicine, (airborne: lemon-lime' it looks like alka-seltzer and well, i feared what it would taste like -.-).....LISTEN- he made sure i drank it....shit was nasty, not as bad as i thought, but he said i would prolly like it, since i eat the most nastiest things evarrr ^_^ (this is so true...shhhhh)
before i downed it~~~he gave me a delicious pickle 8)....he knows how to bribe me ~_^
ahhhh LOVE <3 hiM ^_^
my RAVI^^^ nom nom nom
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