Thursday, June 30, 2011
east coast as fuck
what an awesome website-
where all my EAST COAST peoples @?
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
oh hell naw O.o
me and the boyfriend made a trip to the barbershop and there was this 'cracked-out' lady who was talking to everyone about pure NONSENSE - most of us tried so hard not to laugh (it's just so impolite...) , while the guys literally fell on the ground cracking up.... sooo, anyways, i'm just minding my own business- watching youTube with my headphones in and she asks my boyfriend ,'is this your gf?...she's so quiet....blah-blah-blah.' - then she's making conversation with me asking me, 'is he jealous, crazy?, etc.' - my response was, 'not at all.'
she continued asking me questions about my relationship, and saying how i'm so lucky to have a guy who let's me do what i want, when i want, and isn't strict...before i could respond to her ranting, she told me that her son was his GIRLFRIEND...because she had insecurity issues, and wouldn't let him go anywhere without her
-she looked so devastated, so heart-broken, and even though the previous conversations that took place- i felt so sorry for her. - she told me that the girlfriend only got 3 years for murder! 3 YEARS??? for murder.
now. it just makes me think.
Monday, June 27, 2011
i LOVE you all. #honest.
i LOVE all of you guys!!!
thank you all for viewing daily- i woke up and saw 119 views, and it made me ^_^
whether you are a supporter, follower, hater, or even a stalker-
Sunday, June 26, 2011
FUCK it- i'm on one.

All I care about is money and the city that I’m from
I’ma sip until I feel it, I’ma smoke it till it’s done
And I don’t really give a f-ck, and my excuse is that I’m young
And I’m only getting older so somebody shoulda told ya
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
liddle miss almond*
today was the first time in sooo long, that i actually took the time and effort to get 'dolled up' - i hafta say, it felt good...
there will be more days to come ^_^
FUCK him.
me- there goes my independence ~_~
bf- don't let anyone take away your independence or innocence... it'll just take time.
***as i look in the mirror, i know that the scars in my mind and heart cannot be erased, i'm just praying the ones on my face vanish- ... it's just a daily reminder of what has occurred***
Thursday, June 23, 2011
*happy dance.*
*happy dance.*
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
i n t e r n e t break?
i think it's time i take a break from that world... maybe it'll do me some good... perhaps. ::shrugs::
how much longer...
til i feel like nalanie again? we're another step closer... so why am i not happy? why am i not relieved? why am i not 'smiling'? ... today was my first day at my new job ... and my mind was not right, i just wasn't there
i told him*, maybe i should just give it a week, and see how i feel- my heart and mind is not right, so how can i move on...?
maybe i need a few more days to figure shit out, get my mind right... ::signs:: we shall see...
***again, i wanna thank everyone for all their calls, texts, messages, concerns and thoughts, i really appreciate it______ from the bottom of my heart***
- <3 nalanie
why is "FRIED KOOL-AID" a trending topic? - & what is it ???
Sunday, June 19, 2011
oh, that's right-
oh, so why is it that you don't like me?... you nevah met me, i don't even know you- and i know damn well, i ain't done shit to yuh...
i think that you're a hater-hater-H A T E R ( hop off ) :)
... in time.
me- baby, do i look fat?
him- no, but you look sad.
time heals all wounds... so i was told.
glad the bruises are healing... slowly, but surely
in the meantime- no snap-shots please
Friday, June 17, 2011
thankful :)
very thankful
thankful for him (always coming to my rescue & always knowing when something's wrong)
thankful for friends & family
(i appreciate all the calls and texts)
thankful to be alive
thankful for the new job-
starting on tuesday
Thursday, June 16, 2011
...series of unfortunate events.
and just waiting patiently til midnight hits: god, i can't wait for today to be over.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
tina to a few
ookie, so i have had a few ppl ask me over and over again how to pronounce my name... that is why i decided to break it down ^_^
***let me just explain that my name wasn't suppose to be, it was a mistake on my parents end (they spelt it inncorrect and that's how ^^ came about), and the name i was suppose to end up with- well, i hated it O.o (soooo- it all worked out :) )
my name now is ^^
and no ladies and gentlemen- it's not ndn.. it's Polynesian/Hawaiian, and it means HEAVENS <3
i actually only recently started using it, bc like me, it's unique- my bf told me to use it especially for modeling and networking, and i'm glad i #listened
***let me just explain that my name wasn't suppose to be, it was a mistake on my parents end (they spelt it inncorrect and that's how ^^ came about), and the name i was suppose to end up with- well, i hated it O.o (soooo- it all worked out :) )
my name now is ^^
and no ladies and gentlemen- it's not ndn.. it's Polynesian/Hawaiian, and it means HEAVENS <3
i actually only recently started using it, bc like me, it's unique- my bf told me to use it especially for modeling and networking, and i'm glad i #listened
F Y I : my middle name is CHRISTINA
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
my boyfriend is pretty effin' uh.may.zing.
new *blue-blk (wahoooooo)
heading home* after the hair show... ( i find i look odd without eyeliner O.o ) hmmm, #ohwell
( i want a pair of blk frames... i went purple and white for C H A N G E . )
<<< liddle miss lazy <<<
<--thinking i need a watermark/logo...'oh chookie....' <3
Monday, June 13, 2011
i had decided to let my eyes take a breather for a bit, since they were blood-shot RED the other day… thanks baby, i know you were out and about, but you still came through to bring my glasses to work. i really appreciate you and all you do ^_^ love youuuuuu
Sunday, June 12, 2011
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