My day started super dee-duper EARLY........+ I was working on only a few gours of sleep :O .....

It was a 'coffee AM'...and I had the only craving for starbucks ^_^...........................
He told me he would buy me STARBUCKS...(ahhhh, music to my ears ^_^)
<<<--- This looked all kinds of yummy....
his response..."that's old baby"
<<<---decided I was gonna stick to my norm....
(Tall, iced white chocolate mocha, soy...hold the whip)
not a fan of whip in my cup
he's such a good man...he always drives & never complains
later that day...after we woke up from our nap...~_^
we had a few things on our 'to-do list'...
he took me to the outlets to look for my 'dis-continued' lip gloss, which we didn't find, but i did end up getting 2 large m/u bags ^_^
and then we went to target <3
after that i still haven't made up my mind on what i was inda mood for (food-wise)...he decided for me, like usual...
<<<---CHIPOTLE it was...we decided to share the tacos, add just add 1 additional...2 soft, 2 hard....and i was a good girl, no extra cheese for me....just my hot sauce and a smile ^_^